America is a place with endless blogable quirkiness, especially in California, where I'm from. Here are some goodies found on my last trip...praying martian children, the idyllic Balboa Beach with wake boarders, a technicolor candy covered banana-on-a-stick from Balboa Island, food truck in Malibu (grilled flatbread and ceviche), hot waffle ice-cream sandwich from Lighthouse Ice Cream & Yogurt in Ocean Beach, dancing electric DJ from Electric Daisy Carnival's "Inception" party at Exchange in Los Angeles, vintage "coffee" posters in Westwood, Winchell's traditional glazed donut - an all time classic and THE best donut EVER, Randy's donuts (never actually tried them but the sign looks very cool), Bible verses hidden on fast food containers at In-and-Out Burger, No Alcohol No Smoking = No Fun, and last but not least, a motorcycle modeled after the Star Trek Enterprise seen somewhere near San Diego.